Autumn leaves all over the road,
Scattered and strewn unevenly,
Talking of the past, the forgotten,
The lies and truths we hate to believe.
Each leaf has its own story,
Each leaf a different shade,
Stories that are meant to be nice memories,
But like nightmares, always remain.
When the wind blows, these leaves fly,
Each bringing back a memory,
And that’s how life swirls itself,
Between nightmares and memories.
Suddenly its spring again,
And hope arises from somewhere,
The swirls clear out in no time,
And sunshine’s back again.
Life begins to feel warm now,
With emotions and feelings felt again,
You begin to re-live and breathe,
With a new goal, a new way.
I often wonder if im like the weather,
Going thru springs and autumns,
Each spring im a new person,
And each autumn an old one is forlorn.
I realize now, im like the autumn leaves,
Getting blown away as a memory or nightmare,
But hope does keep me going,
That someday I might be the spring leaf again.
Someday, someone would wish to keep me,
And see my colours and adore them,
See the various shades that follow,
Every time the sun falls with a different ray.
And that’s how life moves on,
With strength and hope,
Strength to be accepted that you were an autumn leaf once,
And hope that you might be a spring one soon again.
Is this an original?
Yup...it is.
It's exquisite. My congratulations on such a brilliant piece of writing.
It has been a while since this blog was updated. I hope you find the inspiration to post something new and make my day
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