Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Random Thoughts...

Broken glass pieces,
Shattered window panes,
Petals of red roses,
And an empty lane.

Dreams not fulfilled,
Stars not reached,
The still water,
And thoughts running deep.

Lonely nights,
Lunches with yourself,
Incomplete relationships,
Dusty books on the shelf.

All signs of destiny,
Fate and loss,
Dreams unseen
And the haunting past.


Anonymous said...

Amazing. Really well written. Hope that you find somebody to share your lonely lunches and nights with, and who can replace your haunting past, with new, happy memories...

Viju said...

Lonely lunches and Incomplete relationships...Oh! how deeply I feel it....
The dusty books on the shelf are my only solace! :)
Good one!

Anonymous said...

Hey sweetheart, hows you? Over a month, no post? Take care anyway :-)