My friends call me a princess and insist that I am a very pampered child. Well, I agree. Can’t really complain if I am loved so much, can I? Well, one person who has been my support system throughout my life & has pampered me to no end is my sister. People who know my sister & me, will know how close we are and what a bonding we share. My sister is 4.5 yrs elder to me. Has been an achiever all her life and made us all proud when she won the gold medal in literature at the Mumbai University some year’s back. She loves theatre and reading is her passion. She can’t live without books & enjoys rock music too. She is a very ‘cool’ sister:). Till a few years back, we were not as close as we are today. Only when I went on a scholarship to Germany in 2001-02 did I realize, how much I missed her. Guess, distance made the heart grow fonder..:)
We became closer that year and before I knew she had gotten a scholarship from the Mumbai University to come to Germany for 3 months that same year. Yay! I was thrilled. She came & lived with both my host families & I lived with her in her apartment in north Germany as well. We even did a trip to Belgium together and it was fantastic. I think that was the moment when we both became very close and I missed her terribly when she returned back to India in Dec 2001. I came back in June 2002 and after that she’s been there every single time I needed her.
She knows me as well as I know myself. She buys me gifts every week on an average & never loses the opportunity to tell me how nice I am looking on a particular evening. She has spent nights sitting next to me, taking care of me when I’ve been sick(which has been very often!!) and she’s even cooked for me when mom & dad have been out of town. When we were kids, she has taken my share of beatings from mom and has been the most protective sister ever.
The past four year’s have been the best of my life. We live together in a flat of our own with our pet cat Curly.We have long chats that go into the early mornings and laze around all day in bed on Sundays too. We’ve watched tonnes of movies together at the theatre, which is at the corner of my street, and we can both shop for hours together without getting bored. We party like there is no tomorrow and have taken care of each other when we have been drunk as well. And I’m going to have to let her go now.
She gets married this August 26th and shifts to Dubai with my jiju. And im going to miss her like crazy. She is currently holidaying in USA and I’ve been living alone for a month now & it’s driven me crazy already. I miss making her bed for her and curse myself for all the times I shouted at her cause she never made her bed. I miss her shouting at me and then hugging me and saying sorry. I miss fighting with her, beating her and then sitting & laughing till our tummies hurt. I miss cooking her favourite potato chips for her and making pizza that she loves too. I miss talking to her a lot and I can’t believe I’ve got to get used to this life style very soon. Im going to have to let her go and be happy myself and for her as well. And the more i think of it, the more difficult it gets. Sometimes, its impossible to sleep in the night cause I so miss her warm hugs. Sometimes I long to hear her voice or see her. She returns back on 26th June from the USA but only to leave in 2 months again. And that time, it will be forever.
Im a very sentimental and emotional person by nature and letting go of things, memories and people is something I cant do very well. And letting my sister go, is going to be the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do in my life. I love her lots and living without her is going to be hell. But I think I’ll manage.
I just wish her all the happiness in her life and wish all her dreams come true. It’s been a pleasure having an elder sibling like her and i want to say a big thankyou to her for being there for me always..im so going to miss her...
As I told you once that I always missed having a sibling..and this particular dedication to your sis Nandu made me feel that I really missed out on something nice in life..The Love-Hate relationship..
Keep the relationship going both of you..wishing you all the best!!
I am really fortunate to have such wonderful daughters I really owe it to God and of course to Aie who instilled in both of you the best of everything and gave her best to you.
May God Keep You this way ALWAYS
Love MA
Hey sushant....dont worry, im sure i fight often enough with you to not make you feel like you miss having siblings:)hehehe..if the fighting now isnt enough, let me know..ill search new topics to have heated arguments:)you just have to pamper me lots in return..thats it:)
Hey Ma...if not for a mamma like you, i and bg would be lost. you've been the best mum ever:)and a 'cool' one to add to that:)love u ma.
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